
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Rachid Elmerkaoui (better known as Tedsthetics) is a social media superstar, comedian and content creator. With over 300k followers on both Instagram and TikTok, we're almost certain you've seen his hilarious content.
Not only is this episode an absolute crack up but it is incredibly inspiring to hear Teddy's story.
Teddy is about to share with you how he went from making funny short videos in his car to absolutely blowing up on social media and not only becoming a full time content creator but touring the country with his very own live show.
All in the space of a couple of short years too!
But then we get to experience Teddy in full action as he absolutely piles into us in true Tedsthetics style with some home truths which are so accurate, they will leave you in stitches.
From coffee orders, gyms, suburbs and even supermarkets, nothing is safe as he hits us between the eyes which left us with tears of laughter.
Plus, "What's in the Golfbox" returns and plenty more.
So get ready to laugh and be inspired the superstar himself, Tedsthetics.
Follow Teddy on Instagram and TikTok @tedsthetics
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Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
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Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Jan 08, 2024
#179 - Mitch Creek - The Brutal Reality of Being a Pro Baller
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Mitch Creek is a legend of Australian Basketball. He has played in the NBA, in Germany, Puerto Rico & is currently dominating for the South East Melbourne Phoenix.
This episode is a fascinating one as we see a side to Mitch that is totally different to the superstar we see on the court.
Creeky is incredibly honest and it's refreshing to listen to a player in the peak of their powers speak so openly and unfiltered, opposed to the usual politically correct spiel we're used to.
Mitch is about to share with you some of his personal opinions on the life lifestyle of bro ballers, dealing with drunk people being idiots in public and a brutally tough look at himself in a number of areas of his life.
He talks about his struggles in balancing a healthy relationship while travelling the world playing basketball, some of the harsh truths he has had to work through in his personal life but most importantly, some incredible advice about how to get through hard times which all of us can implement.
Plus, we have a good laugh throughout and trust us, the "What's in the GolfBox" segment this week is unmissable!
Enjoy the legend himself, Mitch Creek!
Follow Mitch on Instagram @mitchellcreek55
Get involved in a clinic at www.wolfpackhoops.com
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Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
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Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Lucas Kogaki is one of Australia's premier magicians, entertainer & performer. He is an up-and-comer on the world stage at the age of just 24 years old!
We are kickstarting 2024 with an absolute banger of an episode as Lucas is about to make your jaw hit the ground!
Lucas shares with us his incredible 10 year rise to becoming a full time magician.
You're going to hear all about the crazy lifestyle of events, private shows, nightclubs and even funerals, plus, the very wide range of audience Lucas performs for.
We get a glimpse into the different types of tricks, what "slight of hand" is, the psychology behind "magic" but most importantly the showmanship and why performance is such a key to any magician.
Plus, we debut our brand new segment, "What's in the GolfBox?" with a hilarious story that Lucas shares.
As a bonus treat, Lucas absolutely wowed us by doing a routine of tricks for us which has to be seen to be believed. We have absolutely no idea how they're even possible, but you can watch the full show now on YouTube and see for yourself! - https://www.youtube.com/@dosandd_
But without further a do, be ready to be blown away by the magnificent, Lucas Kogaki!
Follow Lucas on Instagram @lucaskogakimagic
Work with Lucas here - Lucas Kogaki | Melbourne's Premier Magician (lucaskogakimagician.com)
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Dec 25, 2023
#177 - The Very Best of 2023!
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Welcome to the Annual "Very Best of the Year" episode!
2023 was the biggest year yet for us and we're so grateful for you to join us as we look back on the year that was with the very best bits.
This episode is split into four categories...the funniest, most shocking, Dos & D uncut and the heartfelt/inspiring moments.
We try and sprinkle humour into every episode we put out and when trying to find only four clips to play, trust us, it was a difficult job!
This segment will have you in stitches as Sam Newman shares his relationship with "the chief", Jason Dunstall, Hugh van Cuylenburg's horrendously awkward first encounter's with now friend, Hamish Blake, Julian Wood's involvement with Marty & Michael's streaking of the AFL Grand Final and Rob Mills caught on stage with literally his pants around his ankles...
Then we turn our attention to the parts which will shock you for different reasons.
Survival Expert, Ky Furneaux's experience on "Naked & Afraid, Celebrity Bodyguard, Wayne Mattei's hairiest moments, Aussie Sprinter, Morgan Mitchell being the victim of a pathetic attack and World Renowned Artist. Danielle Weber's painting of "The Rock" that didn't go to plan all feature in this segment.
Each month we release one Dos & D "uncut" episode where the two of us banter and share some horrifying stores. This year, these episodes really gained momentum and we've got some of the best for you today.
From pranking our family members to try not to laugh competition's and of course our famous stories like nearly ruining a wedding and wingmanning gone wrong all are hear for you to enjoy.
And finally, to send you into 2024 with some inspiration as well as some heart felt moments we have Zed Nasheet's incredible story of selling hotdogs outside nightclubs at 14 years old to escape poverty, Black Manwaring's story of being coward attacked, Ironman, Matt Bevilacqua's crazy training schedule in the freezing cold Tasmania at just 16 years old and Prime Train's advice on how to build a brand is priceless.
Thank you all for your support in 2023, we can't wait for 2024. We couldn't do this without you and appreciate and love you all!
Here are the episode's (in order of appearance) from the clips played in this episode for you to go back and listen.
Sam Newman - 164
Hugh van Cuylenburg - 158
Julian Woods - 161
Rob Mills - 173
Ky Furneaux - 137
Wayne Mattei - 131
Morgan Mitchell - 170
Danielle Weber - 156
Wedding Gone Wrong - 143
What's That? Prank - 159
Wingman Disaster - 127
Try Not to Laugh - Available on YouTube & 163
Zed Nasheet - 155
Blake Manwaring - 152
Matt Bevilacqua - 153
Prime Train - 157
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Dec 18, 2023
#176 - A Very Frisky Christmas & The WORST Gifts of All Time
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Welcome to the fourth annual Dos & D Christmas Special and this one is the best one yet!
Firstly, we have a lot to catch up on including our adventures at the Robbie Williams concert, our controversial article in Australia's number one newspaper and the ultimate stitch up Dos unfortunately suffered.
But then we turn our attention to our favourite time of year...Christmas!
Is there anything worse than receiving horrendous presents at Christmas time? Tissue boxes, car crash kits, apple, butter knives, we find some of the worst presents people have received and some come from personal experiences!
At this special time of year we are accustomed to some famous traditions. We take a look at the ones we need to get rid of immediately and the ones that we need to protect at all costs. But boy does this divide us!
When in the festive mood we can all get a little...frisky. Dos found a list of Christmas themed s*x positions and it was D's job to guess what they were. This game got out of hand very quickly with hilarious results.
This episode will get you hyped up for Christmas and give you a belly laugh in true Dos & D Style.
We hope you have a merry and safe Christmas and it is a wonderful time for you all. Thank you for all your support throughout the year, we love you all!
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Will Hayes is the Head Trainer at Lindsay Park, one of the most famous horse racing stables from one of the most famous horse racing families in Australia. He is also a former AFL player, representing the Western Bulldogs and Carlton across his career.
This is episode will give you an unbelievable insight into the sport of horse racing from a perspective that goes way beyond the glitz and glamour we see as the average punter.
Will shares with us his fascinating life in the stables. From the daily routine to the planning and execution that goes into every single race, you'll be blow away at what the team has to do in preparation day in and day out.
We find out what makes Mr Brightside such a champion horse and the relationship that Will has with owners and jockeys. It shows the real insides to what goes on in owning high quality horses.
Plus, Will opens up and shares his views on controversial matters like animal cruelty in the sport and race fixing.
Whether you love horse racing or have no interest at all, there is so much to glean from this episode and we know you're going to love it.
Plus, WIll is such a loveable and humble guy, it is a lot of fun!
Saddle up, and enjoy our chat with the legend himself, Will Hayes.
Follow Will on Instagram @willhayes11
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok - @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Dec 04, 2023
#174 - David the Medium - Connecting with the Afterlife
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
David the Medium is one of Australia's leading Psychic Clairvoyant's and Spiritual Medium's. He has built up a large social media following through his many correct psychic predictions.
Get ready for an episode that will blow your mind!
This podcast gets very deep, very fast as we discuss some of the amazing aspects of David's career.
And just to get things started, David makes an astonishing observation only minutes after meeting with us that floored us!
Davis is about to share his story with you from how he discovered his ability and getting to where he is today, to using his intuition to literally save his life!
But beyond his incredible career, David shared his fascinating theories on what the soul is and how it works, what happens when we die, how he communicates with spirits and why there is the ability to do so.
Plus, we discussed all the hard hitting religious questions to try and find where it sits amongst all of this.
As an added bonus, David did a reading on the both of us which was so accurate it was almost scary! The whole reading is available to watch now and in full on YouTube, so head over there to see David live in Action - https://www.youtube.com/@dosandd_
But without further ado, here is the great man, David the Medium!
Follow David on Instagram @davidthemedium
Work with David here - www.davidthemedium.com
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok - @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Monday Nov 27, 2023
#173 - Rob Mills - ”Millsy”, The Ultimate Entertainer
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Rob Mills is a Singer, Actor, TV Host, Musical Theatre Megastar, Author and one of the greatest Entertainers Australia has ever produced. He first appeared on our screens in the first season of Australian Idol and has since become one of Australia's most beloved Entertainers.
He has starred in musicals such as Grease, Hairspray, Jesus Christ Superstar, Wicked, Ghost and currently And Juliet amongst many others.
We were absolutely pumped to sit down with Millsy and reflect on his amazing career to date and go beyond the surface level.
And boy was this interview fun!
From his musical influencers to the early memories of being "the entertainer" amongst his friends, Millsy shares the inspirations of his career and the key moments to get to where he is today.
He told some of the all time great stories of things going wrong on stage, which trust us will have you in stitches!
Plus, we got to hear about the magic behind TV. From choreographing sex scenes and intimacy coaches to hosting late night quiz shows, our eyes were certainly opened.
But beyond all of that, we get to hear the absolute passion Rob has for his craft and the willingness he is to continually give back. It's no surprise to see the success he has had with his amazing talent mixed with the great bloke he is.
Strap yourselves in for this one, you're going to love it!
Here he is...the one, the only, Rob Mills!
Follow Millsy on Instagram @robmillsymills
Purchase Rob's book "Putting on a Show" online or from all good bookstores.
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok - @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
#172 - Our Cringiest DM’s, Muck Up Day Gone Wild & The Grossest Place on Earth
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Welcome back to another Dos & D Uncut and this one will take you on a rollercoaster!
Firstly, the boys catch up on what's been going on between Uncut episodes with some big life news scattered throughout.
But then things get rogue as we take a look back at some of our earliest and cringiest content. But just when you think it couldn't get worse, we find some old voice messages we DM'd celebrities trying to get them on the show when we only just started. It is hilarious to listen to, but will certainly make your skin crawl!
Is there any place grosser than a men's bathroom? It seems to be the place where men become "men" and let loose with any sense of pride. The sounds in there are truly horrific which made us take a look at other places where egos are truly left at the door.
When you go to a cafe to work, what is the acceptable amount of money to spend over a period of time to justify you using the facilities. A little debate brewed over this.
Plus, we find some of the most unbelievable muck up day pranks the internet has to offer but in true Dos & D fashion, we share our naughtiest pranks from high school days.
This episode is jam packed with laughs so sit back and enjoy!
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok - @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Sharni Norder (Layton) is a former captain of the Australian Diamonds Netball Team, 2 x International Player of the year and domestic premiership winner. She also is an AFLW All Australian, former Collingwood Vice Captain & TV & Radio Presenter.
What a blast it was welcoming Sharni onto the show and having a laugh whilst discussing a wide range of topics in both the sporting world and Sharni's personal life.
From inside the locker room stories in both the Australian National Netball camp & AFLW dressing rooms, to the wider and complex issues in Women's sport, Sharni isn't afraid to hold back in her beliefs and opinions and shared stories that left nothing on the table.
We laughed as Sharni told premiership winning bender stories, dirty opposition tactics & on field sledges.
But we also heard some of the amazing hardships she has had to experience including the impact of Danny Frawley's death, her battle with depression and some of the darkest days she's ever faced.
This one will affect you in different ways but you'll sure be laughing throughout and hear some incredible insights.
Here is the one, the only, Sharni Norder!
Follow Sharni on Instagram @sharni_layton
Purchase Sharni's book "No Apologies" online, or from all good bookstores.
Follow us on Instagram @dosandd_
Follow us on TikTok - @dosandd
Watch & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here - Dos and D - YouTube
Follow us on Facebook here - The Dos & D Show | Facebook
Questions & Enquiries - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to us if you could follow, subscribe and leave a 5-star review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.