
Monday Nov 09, 2020
#20 - Identity, Legacy & Values!
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Perhaps the deepest episode of the Podcast yet!
In this episode, Dos and D take a look at identity and why it's important, creating a legacy every day and the goal to leave a meaningful one and why values make up who we are.
This one makes you self reflect and self assess who you are and what's important to your character.
Write your values down, check in with them from time to time and create an awesome legacy!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Nov 02, 2020
#19 - Goal Setting - Planning for Success
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Goal Setting is a crucial key to the success of those who achieve high.
Creating proper goals and writing them down keep us accountable and increase the likelihood of achieving what we set out for.
In this episode, the boys discuss why and how to write a goal, their history with goal setting and finding the right balance when setting one.
They also reveal their goals for the remainder of the year.
Join us, write your own goals and make the rest of the year and beyond successful!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
#18 - Wrapping Up Season 1 with a Laugh
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Welcome to another episode of the show!
This episode is a lot shorter than normal while the boys have a laugh and chat about some of their favourite moments of the Podcast so far, some of the issues they run into each week behind the scenes and their gratitude of you!
Thank you to everybody who writes in and get's involved, let us know what you want to hear moving forward.
See you next week for season 2!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Oct 19, 2020
#17 - Building Momentum -Finishing off 2020 Strong!
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
2020 has been a challenging year, but it's not finished yet.
We have a great opportunity to make the most of the final couple of months of the year and role into 2021 full of momentum.
On this episode, the boys discuss why there is such a great opportunity in the remaining months of the year to create healthy habits, set goals and roll into the new year full of self confidence and excitement.
They also discuss why we have so much to look forward to around the corner and some strategies to make the most out of tough situation.
Don't wait for the new year, now is the best time to get started and finish 2020 with a bang!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Oct 12, 2020
#16 - Money Habits - Side Hustles, Budgeting & Investments
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
We've teased it for a while, but it's finally time to talk money.
Why is there such a negative connotation on the word?
In this episode the boys discuss their money habits. They go deep talking side hustles, investments, spending and budgeting.
They share ideas to make some extra money on the side, ways they like to divide their wages and some disappointing and funny investing stories.
Is it better to invest or save? Spend or budget?
This is one of our favourite episodes yet!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
#15 - Alcohol & Binge Drinking - Why it's Accepted
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Binging on alcohol is a big part of Australian Culture and drinking is a social norm.
It is something we have grown up with and is accepted and encouraged within our society.
In this episode, the boys discuss their experiences with alcohol. From their more frequent use, to their times of sobriety and everything in between.
They also discuss the thinking into the why, the positives and negatives of drinking and sobriety and some funny stories of the journey.
Where is the line between a good time and taking it too far?
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 28, 2020
#14 - Eddie Gates - Stepping Outside of your Comfort Zone
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Eddie Gates is a friend of over 10 years to Dos and D and the first interviewee of the Podcast.
In this episode, Eddie shares with us his story and why great things come from stepping out of your comfort zone. He talks about his creative outlets and ventures, going against the grain and some hilarious stories over the journey.
There is so much to gain from pursuing your passion.
What is holding you back from chasing your dreams?
Follow Eddie on Instagram - @eddiegates
Eddie's Podcast - Kayak and the Canoe - @kayakandthecanoe
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 21, 2020
#13 - Balance - Striving for a Healthy Middle Ground
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Finding balance in life is one of the hardest skills to master. Trying to find the healthy middle ground between work and pleasure is difficult as we can easily swing heavily either way.
We are emotional creatures and often our attention sways due to our emotions.
In this episode Dos and D discuss why a healthy balance is so important based on moments in their lives when they have had imbalance.
They discuss their daily pleasures that balance our their work and their projects and hustles that balance our their leisure. As well as some some tips, stories and laughs.
Where is your life balance at?
Don't forget to follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 14, 2020
#12 - Gratitude - Finding Joy in Daily Life
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
During this difficult time in the world it can be tough to display gratitude. But appreciating what we have rather than what we don't or have lost can be a key to finding happiness in daily life.
In this episode of the podcast, the boys discuss their experiences of practicing gratitude throughout their life. reasons to be grateful even during the current situation and why we have so much to look forward to around the corner.
They share some tips that have helped them, lessons they have learnt about gratitude and happiness and a couple of hilarious stories.
Please reach out if you are struggling, we are always up for a chat!
Don't forget to follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
#11 - Get to know Dos & D + Podcast First!
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Welcome back to another episode of the show!
It's time to lighten things up again after a frustrating week for most.
This episode is the funniest yet! Dos and D take you back to how they met, some of their funniest stories together and quick fire get to know you questions.
But what happens for the first time in The Dos & D Show history? You don't want to miss this!
Don't forget to follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.