
Monday Feb 15, 2021
#30 - True Friendship vs Popularity
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
What does it mean to have true friendship?
On this episode, the boys discuss the debate about being popular vs having a small number of truly close friends.
They discuss the pros and cons of popularity, why they value their close friendships and share personal stories of when mateship has been displayed within their friendship circle.
Is it more important to have a few close friends, or a long list of acquaintances?
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Feb 08, 2021
#29 - Searching for a Happier Life - What do we need to do?
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Searching for happiness is one of our favourite topics, but it is a difficult journey.
In today's episode, the boys dissect some rhetorical questions and go deep in discussing their journey towards a happier life.
They talk about how self doubt and distorted views on other's can effect their happiness, what brings them to the state of being happy and habits to lose and change to become free.
How do you find your state of happiness?
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
#28 - 2021 Preview & Break Update
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Welcome back to The Dos & D Show for 2021!
We are so excited to be back recording!
In this episode the boys talk about what they got up to in the break, their start to 2021 and some little goals for the year.
They also discuss what's in store for the show this year and drop some exciting bits of news.
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives

Friday Dec 25, 2020
#27 - Christmas Special
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Merry Christmas everyone!
We hope you have a safe and happy day.
Enjoy this short Christmas special!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives

Monday Dec 21, 2020
#26 - Understanding & Implementing Empathy
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
One of our most passionate and real episodes yet!
On this episode, the boys take a deep look at one of their favorite topics...Empathy.
Understanding Empathy and implementing it into your daily life is so powerful and can dramatically change your mindset and the mindset of those around you.
The boys talk about what Empathy means to them, times in their lives when they have experienced it and when they have been empathetic to another person and situation.
This is a deep one...and one of the most meaningful ones yet.
What does Empathy mean to you?
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
To help the show grow and empower more lives please give the show a 5 star review. We appreciate every one of you who has supported us, we are so grateful.

Monday Dec 14, 2020
#25 - Dos and D Play Hypothetical Questions
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
As the boys plan for 2021 they decided to do a light hearted "get to know you" episode with hypothetical without notice questions.
We hope you enjoy this episode as it is a little bit of fun.
We are so excited to roll out a bunch of new interviews, segments and content in 2021, so stay tuned and thank you once again for all your support!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Dec 07, 2020
#24 - Chris Dalmau - Nutrition, Business & Healthy Lifestyle Balance
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Chris Dalmau is the founder of Legacy Health and Performance, Clean 5 and Ludacris.
In this Episode, the boys went on the road and recorded at Legacy Gym with its founder Chris Dalmau.
Chris shares his inspirational story of risk taking, positivity and creating a lifestyle which brings him happiness and enjoyment through his multiple ventures.
He shares the importance of a balanced nutritional diet that is sustainable and convenient which we all can follow and some great tips when starting a fitness journey.
Dal's knowledge and passion of the industry is incredible and you will love this episode!
Connect with Chris on Instagram - @ludacrisdal & @legacyhealthandperformance
Check out Legacy Health and Performance @ www.legacyhp.com.au
Check out Clean 5 @ www.theclean5.com
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
#23 - The Power of a Good Morning Routine
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Do you have a daily routine?
Morning routines have the power to set our day up in a positive way.
When you live in proactive mode and not reactive mode, your day is more likely to be productive.
In this episode the boys talk about their morning, afternoon and evening routines and the differences between strong ones and weak ones.
They discuss how you can spend the day stressed and feeling behind when you are reacting constantly vs when you get off to a good start and you make the day work for you.
What does your miracle morning look like?
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
#22 - Simplifying Life in Exchange for Happiness
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Why do we take everything in life so seriously?
Life is short, and we can often neglect happiness when we prioritize aspects of our lives as more important than the simple pleasures and moments.
In this episode, the boys discuss why simple is sometimes better, how to avoid burn out and what everyday things ultimately lead to our happiness.
In pursuit of high performance, it is important to enjoy the journey and never take yourself or anything too seriously.
Happiness equals success.
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
#21 - Back in the Studio! - Catch Up Laugh
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Just like Seinfeld, this is the episode about nothing!
Dos and D are back in the studio and podcasting face to face.
In this episode, the boys have a giggle as they catch up and enjoy each other's company.
This is a laugh before getting back into the serious topics next episode.
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.