
Monday Sep 27, 2021
#60 - Louise Bedford - Creating Multiple Streams of Income
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Louise Bedford is a 5 time best selling author, keynote speaker and stock trading mentor and expert.
Today's episode is full of empowerment as Louise's story alone is an inspiration.
Louise was killing it in her career as the youngest manager at a large multinational company. Then suddenly an unexplained tendon condition sent her world into spiral. Every day tasks became extreme challenges as she was losing the use of her hands. She was squeezed out of her job and her quality of life suffered.
Since then, Louise has been able to overcome her hardships and go on to achieve great things in the Business world, stock market and her personal life.
Louise shares with us some great life advice that we don't hear at school. We talk about why it's important to make your money work for you, having an investment plan, multiple streams of income and how much you should aim for when saving money.
Louise's expertise are in the stock market and she gives us some great pointers on how to and why we should get started. We talk about candlestick charts, when to buy and sell, long term, short term and day trading and so much more!
Whether you're interested in investing or not, Louise will inspire you on your own journey. But we think this episode will excite you to dip your toe in as there is so much possibility.
To connect with Louise, purchase her books and get access to her free e-book check out Home - Trading Game
For more interviews and tips - subscribe to Louise's YouTube channel - Louise Bedford - YouTube
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
#59 - Catherine Lyell - Porn & Its Effect on Relationships
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Catherine Lyell is the founder and owner of Integrated Men' Health. Which specialises in sexual health, porn addiction, mental health and sexual abuse.
This episode might just be the most explicit one we've released yet.
We didn't waste any time diving into the deep topics as we talked about the scientific effects porn has on a person and how quickly it can become an addiction or lead to brain damage.
But more surprisingly, the side effects it has on us, that aren't openly talked about. Including erectile dysfunction, performance issues, mental health and physical blemishes.
Catherine explained how porn effects your sex life and how it can ruin intimacy between partners, why sex suffers as relationships last longer and kinks that men and women have that are a direct link to watching porn.
As well as a couple of our personal experiences too...
We touch on overcoming addiction and how our lives improve when porn isn't a part of it. As well as preventing young people from being exposed to it.
Catherine is so open and not afraid to talk about the things that as a society we still aren't talking about openly.
There's so much to take out of this episode and make you think about an area you perhaps haven't deeply before.
Connect with Catherine and get her free e-book here -Where men go to heal (integratedmenshealth.com.au)
Follow Catherine on Instagram @integrated_menshealth
Catherine's book - "The uncensored threat. Losing generations to pornography" is available to buy on Wednesday September 22nd on Amazon. For just 24 hours, you can get your copy for just 99 cents as an e-book.
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
#58 - Tami Roos - Live Stress Free Through The Power of Meditation
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Tami Roos is an Empowerment Master, Intuitive Healer, Amazon Best Selling Author and has been changing peoples lives for over almost 20 years as an expert in Meditation.
We could have chatted with Tami for hours about the power of the breath and why every single one of us should be blocking out time in our day to meditate. So many of us think that meditation looks like being in a yoga type pose, chanting out loud with candles and incenses burning around you. It was incredibly eye opening to hear how simple it really is and how incredible it is for our health.
Tami dropped so much wisdom in our chat including what exactly meditation is, how to meditate, the importance of creating time, why we need to take responsibility for our own health and the incredible health benefits of practicing it.
She shares with us her morning routine and how she meditates, why we should treat our mind like our phones and ensure we are recharging it the right way each day, overcoming skepticism, the impacts meditation has had on her and the people around her, how meditation has become a key pillar in the longevity of her marriage with Paul and the power of manifestation and envisioning what you want.
If you already meditate consistently, dabbled in it or perhaps you tried but think it’s way too hard for you. Tami’s gentle nature and beautiful vibrant energy is enough to think more seriously about this life changing practice.
Enjoy this one everyone, we know you will get as much out of it as we did.
To connect and work with Tami visit www.tamiroos.com
Purchase her book here - Presence to Power: I AM the Gift eBook : Roos, Tami: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store
Follow her on Instagram @tami_roos
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Sep 06, 2021
#57 - Fears - Sharing & Facing Them
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
What are you afraid of?
On this episode of the podcast Dos & D talk about different kinds of fears that we tend to face in our lives.
We talk about fear of judgment. Why we all create these false narratives in our head and how it holds us back. As well as overcoming it and living in the freedom of not caring what others may think or see.
Regret is another one that most people are faced with. We talk about how it is one of our greatest fears and the 'death bed' analogy and why it can be an awesome motivator to continue to take chances and do what you want to do. As well as sometimes making the hard call to stop pursuing a path which you know is not leading you to where you want to go.
The boys go deep about a conversation they had this week which took a lot of courage for them to speak up and express their feelings. It helped set a healthier tone for future conversation and by overcoming the fear of speaking up, facing conflict and expressing frustration they could free themselves of bottling up emotion.
We end the episode on a laugh and talk about our biggest fears and phobias. We bet you won't be able to guess some of the strangest phobias we possess but you are guaranteed to have a chuckle about them.
We would love for you to tell us what your greatest fears are and how you face them or have overcome them. Drop us a line! We'd love to hear them.
Enjoy the show!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Aug 30, 2021
#56 - Monique Maitland - The Miracle of Life
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monique Maitland is a midwife, nurse, founder of The Middee Podcast and Creator of The Middee Society. A modern day midwifery pre and post natal community education initiative.
On this episode, Mon took us behind the scenes of the incredible work midwives do when they bring new life into the world.
She shared with us the beautiful touching moments between parents as they welcome their new child, her role throughout the labour and some great tips for partners to help through the difficult process.
But Mon also shared with us the flip side. The gut wrenching occasions when a child doesn't make it. The tender moment of the poor family and the pain that is felt throughout the room.
We laughed as Mon told us the worst excuse for almost missing a birth by a Dad and educated us on the labour process, the different kinds of births and everything in between.
Fair to say we learnt some new words today! And confirmed we aren't ready just yet.
We also talked about the awesome work Mon is doing with The Middee Society and her 'why' for what she does.
Whether you've had children, planning, or no plans at all this episode will have something for you. It's full of education, laughs and positivity.
Follow The Middee Society on Instagram @themiddeesociety
Follow Monique on Instagram @monique_maitland
Listen to The Middee Podcast here - Middee | Podcast on Spotify
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Aug 23, 2021
#55 - Overcoming Procrastination & Staying Consistent
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Welcome back our friends to another episode of The Dos & D Show!
Do you struggle with procrastination? It's a tough thing to overcome.
On this episode of the show, the boys are back together and discuss why procrastination is so difficult and their personal battles with it. They talk about some of the key reasons why it occurs such as lack of direction or passion.
Dos shares the 'Stairs vs Escalator' analogy, we talk being busy for the sake of being busy along with the guilt associated with it.
And things get passionate when they talk about why today is the best day to start and take the first step to whatever you are setting out to achieve.
The other key element of this episode is all based around the word 'consistency'.
Staying consistent to who you are and what you set out to do is greatly appreciated and admired by those following your story. We discuss in depth the 'meat and potatoes' and how important it is to keep grinding though the tough parts to get the desired result for your passion or goal.
And of course it wouldn't be Dos & D without some mischief and an update of what's been going on around the house and stories of the past month. We hope it brings a smile to your face as we throw each other under the bus as per usual.
Remember, today is the best day to start that goal, project or mission. And if you have started, keep grinding. Consistency will get you there!
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Aug 16, 2021
#54 - Brian Taranto - Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll T-Shirts
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Brian Taranto (BT) is the Managing Director of Love Police ATM. The premier music merchandising company in Australia and New Zealand and part of The Mushroom Group. The largest empire in Australian music.
On this episode of the podcast, Brian shares with the boys his inspiring story of life in the music industry.
BT talks about where his passion for music all began which actually stems back to growing up with Dos' family. His work ethic and determination as a young man landed him a job quite literally at the bottom, sweeping the floors at Australian Tour Merchandising (ATM). (Love Police would end up merging with ATM)
Brian talks about being the 'rock n roll hot dog seller'. Selling t-shirts at gigs as a teenager, drinking on the job and of course the after parties.
BT takes us behind the scenes of the merchandise industry. How the process works, what happens when international acts like Ed Sheeran come out to Australia and what is done to the leftover shirts.
He talks about his close friend Michael Gudinksi and what working with such an icon of the industry was like and the lessons he learned.
We also find out about the strangest products sold in BT's time which we're sure will leave you laughing.
Not only is this podcast funny, vulnerable and gives you great inside behind the scenes. But this episode will inspire you to chase what you truly are passionate about. And how everything is possible if you're prepared to work for it, do what needs to be done (even if it's not what you set out for originally), and be a good, giving person.
Check out Love Police ATM here - Band Merchandise | Love Police Australian Tour Merchandise (lovepoliceatm.com.au)
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Aug 09, 2021
#53 - Eddie Gates & Matt Tankard - Content Creating & How to Housemate
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Eddie Gates and Matt Tankard are the creators and hosts of Kayak and the Canoe, co-hosts of Mr Beauty IQ Podcast, best mates and housemates.
On this episode we talk content creation and what it takes behind the scenes to put together podcasts, videos and other forms of media. We discuss learning and refining skills, how to reach out and network with those we aspire to be like and the time commitment involved. As well as the internal pressure to create and grow.
The lads share with us their journey from the graveyard shift of Kayak and the Canoe to the opportunity to discuss male skin care on the Mr Beauty IQ Podcast on behalf of Adore Beauty.
Eddie and Matt left us in stitches as they shared stories about being housemates including the time they took it upon themselves to create an apartment block newsletter that nobody asked for and remained completely anonymous.
We play a game to determine who knows their housemate better while throwing each other under the bus multiple times throughout the episode.
You will love this conversation which is full of laughs, stories and hidden gems of wisdom. Enjoy!
Follow Eddie on Instagram @eddiegates
Follow Matt on Instagram @matthewtankardvevo
Listen to Kayak and the Canoe Here - https://spoti.fi/3fGj43Y
Listen to Mr Beauty IQ here - https://spoti.fi/3ixd5AA
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
#52- Jarrad Asquith - Masculinity & How to Build Your Emotional Muscle
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Jarrad Asquith is a facilitator at Tomorrow Man, a workshop designed to help men of all ages break through the traditional male stereotype and giving men the complete tool kit to live a full life.
On this episode we have a deep round table discussion about a number of topics not often spoke about.
Jarrad shares with us his background, but quickly opens the conversation right up and we get extremely vulnerable very quickly.
We discuss masculinity and what it means to us individually and some of our experiences through the years and how it shaped our 20's. The ever evolving definitions of it is so hard to define and with so many opinions out there it can be a confusing space.
The conversation takes another turn when we talk about some of our toughest hardships of late and how having the deeper and raw conversations with friends, got us through.
Opening up to your mates can be challenging, especially if you don't exercise your emotional muscle frequently. Jarrad explains what this means and how to free it. Jarrad gives some great insights into normalising the conversation and integrating it into your every day conversations with friends.
We talk about saying 'I love you', crying as a man and do the 'Hero, Hardship & Highlight' exercise as well as plenty of banter and laughs.
We hope this episode inspires you to take initiative in your friendship circle, be the leader and start the conversation. It will benefit every person involved.
Get your club, school or workplace involved with Tomorrow Man/ Tomorrow Woman here - Tomorrow Man | Redefining Masculinity
Follow Jarrad on Instagram @jarradasquith
Follow Tomorrow Man on Instagram @tomorrowman_au
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.

Monday Jul 26, 2021
#51- Greg Page - Backstage with The Original Yellow Wiggle
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Greg Page is the Original Yellow Wiggle, an International Entertainment Icon and the founder of Heart of The Nation.
On this episode of the podcast Dos and D are joined by one of their absolute childhood heroes.
Greg shares with us his earliest memories of entertaining, how The Wiggles were formed and tales from the road.
It is mind blowing to think how big The Wiggles are. This year is their 30th year anniversary, they are in over 100 countries, have sold over 23 million DVD's, on average perform to over 1 million people per year, have had over 2 billion YouTube streams and have sold out Madison Square Garden 12 shows over. (Coldplay in comparison managed only 3)
But our chat with Greg went a lot deeper than just The Wiggles. Greg opened up about the man behind the yellow skivvy.
Greg went deep when talking about finding spirituality especially after his health battles. It was humbling to see this side of him which we don't see in the media.
We learned about his passion for happiness, education and staying true to who you are. While also having a laugh with some quick fire questions about all areas of his life!
Greg's passion nowadays is with Heart of The Nation. An initiative he created after his life was so nearly taken from him last year at a Wiggles Reunion concert for bushfire relief when he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Scarily, showing no symptoms before the incident occurred.
Greg is a true leader and a wonderful ambassador as you can hear in his voice the passion he has to save lives by raising awareness in the community. He shares with us how we can all get behind this excellent initiative and the work they are doing behind the scenes.
Greg is extremely humble, wise and generous with his time and we can't thank him enough for the experience. We are so grateful and it truly meant the world to us to be able to share some time with someone who we have looked up to and admired our entire lives.
To donate or learn about Heart of The Nation, you can do so here - Chain of Survival | Heartofthenation
Follow us on instagram - @dosandd_
Email us your questions as we would love to answer them on the show - thedosanddshow@gmail.com
It would mean the world to both of us if you could please leave a 5 Star review to help us grow this community and empower more lives.